MAAC Motto

Zone M - Notice of Zone Meeting

Posted: September 30, 2023

Date: September 30, 2023

Time: 10:00 am

Location: RM Classis Cars Inc. Classic Car Dr, Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0

The Annual Zone Meeting (AZM) deals with the business of the zone that includes if applicable for the election of Zone Director or Deputy Zone Director, Resolutions and Recommendations from zone members, nominations for awards and Leader members, appointment of zone members to standing committees and any other zone business that may arise. There are different protocols for each.

Business of the MAAC Zone M For 2023
Nominations for the Deputy Zone Director are requested, see Submissions section for details.

Resolutions & Recommendations
Members are entitled to submit resolutions and recommendations to be considered by the zone and if passed by a majority vote at the AZM form part of the agenda at the Annual General Meeting. See Submissions section for details.

Standing Committees
Zone members are encouraged to join standing committees to help guide the many disciplines and interest areas of MAAC. Two members from the zone may be nominated for each standing committee. A listing of standing committees can be found in the opening pages of Model Aviation Canada, MAAC’s member magazine.

Awards and Leader Member
Nominations for awards other than Leader Member may be submitted to head office at any time, subsequently forwarded to the Awards Committee for a recommendation to the board and do not need to be approved at an AZM.

Nominations for Leader Member
Nominations are considered at AZM’s and if approved by majority vote forwarded to head office and subsequently forwarded to the Awards Committee for a recommendation to the board.

All submissions that require approval at the AZM, by majority vote, must be received by the Zone Director no later than August 25, 2023 ahead of the AZM. In addition, all nominations for awards and Zone Director need to be copied to head office.
Zone Director
MAAC Head Office

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